          |                                         |
          |      Hikari no Kiseki                   |
          |             ~The Miracle of Light~      |
          |                                         |
          |     #hikarinokiseki EFnet or DALnet     |
  |                                                         |
  |      Subtitled Release: Two-Mix "White Reflection"      |
  |      Two-Mix - White Reflection (HnK-HQ).DivX3.avi      |
  |                                                         |
  |    * Size         : 85,297,152 bytes (81.3mb)           |
  |    * Format       : DivX 3 SBC 2200kbps                 |
  |                     MPEG Layer-3 160kbps                |
  |    * Source       : Region 2 DVD (catalogue KIBM-25)    |
  |    * Timing       : StarCreator                         |
  |    * Translation  : Takayama Miyuki                     |
  |                     courtesy of jlyrics.org             |
  |    * Encoding     : StarCreator                         |
  |    * Release Date : 13 Sept. 2001                       |
  |____________ _______________________________ ____________|
               |                               |
               |        Special Thanks         |
               |            Fireye             |
               |           duckroll            |

 Here it is!  The very first encode by Hikari no Kiseki!  This
  was a long time in coming and we hope that you are all happy
  with the results.  Please note that this is one of four
  versions: High and Low Quality DivX 3, and High and Low
  Quality DivX 4.  If you have not tried out DivX 4 yet, we
  urge you to grab both encodes and see the difference.  The
  results are quite unexpected!
                                          - StarCreator

       |                                                |
       |  In memory of all the friends and family that  |
       |   died in the terrible tragedy that occurred   |
       |   on 11 Sept. 2001 at the World Trade Center   |
       |  and the Pentagon. You will all be remembered  |
       |             forever in our hearts.             |

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